Indonesia, Australia repatriate 11 stranded fishermen from Rote

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesian Marine Affairs and Fishery Ministry synergizes with the Australian government in repatriating 11 fishermen from Rote, East Nusa Tenggara, who were stranded in Bedwell Rowley Shoals Island, Western Australia, on Friday.The 11 fishermen were trapped in Cyclone Ilsa and were managed to be found by the Australian authority through the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC). Marine Affairs and Fishery Ministry's Official Adin Nurawaluddin, through a statement issued on Sunday, explained that the 11 fishermen were known to came from two motorboats, namely PM Dioskouri 01 and PM Putri Jaya. ccording to the received data, all 10 fishermen that were on the PM Dioskouri were managed to be rescued. Meanwhile, on PM Putri Jaya, only one was managed to be rescued while the other eight fishermen have not been found. fter the condition of the 11 fishermen were declared to be stable by the Broome Hospital, they were then transferred to Darwin and were placed in the Northern Alternative Place of Detention (NAPOD) immigration detention at Frontier Darwin Hotel. fterwards, they will be repatriated to Indonesia using a charter flight with the Darwin-Denpasar route. "With humanitarian consideration, the Australian government did not impose legal proceedings to the 11 Indonesian fishermen who were stranded in Australian territory due to a storm," he said. "Thus, per Friday, at 4:40 p.m. WITA (Central Indonesian Time) they can be returned to Indonesia with the help from Australian Border Force," he added. Next, Nurawaluddin explained that the repatriation for the 11 Indonesian fishermen can proceed well as a result of synergy and quick mobility between related institutions. The repatriation will be facilitated by the Violation Handling Directorate at the Marine and Fishery Resources Monitoring Directorate General before being handed over to the East Nusa Tenggara Marine Affairs and Fishery Office. baca-jugaRelated news: President Jokowi hears out fishermen's aspirations in South SulawesiRelated news: Riau Islands providing BPJAMSOSTEK cover to 17,209 fishermenRelated news: Minister aims to expand fishermen's SPBN to 250 locations

Source: Antara News Agency (ANA)