‘Kham’ reiterates that the Anti-Money Laundering Office has only one Line account, named @insideamlo.

Government House, “Kham” warns the public not to believe the fake LINE account named “AMLO Office” claiming to provide consultation services, emphasizing that the AMLO has only one LINE account named @insideamlo.

Mr. Karom Polpornklang, Deputy Spokesperson of the Prime Minister’s Office, revealed about the forwarding of false information claiming that the AMLO office offers free consultations via a Line account named “AMLO Office”. The Anti-Money Laundering Office has investigated the information and clarified that the Line account in question is not the AMLO’s Line account, but a fake one created by the perpetrators using the AMLO logo as the profile picture.

Mr. Karam emphasized that the AMLO Office has only one LINE account named Inside AMLO. The public can add the AMLO Office LINE account by adding a friend with the ID @insideamlo to follow news or inquire about compliance with money laundering laws only through this LINE account name. And can receive news from the Anti-Money Laundering Office at the w
ebsite https://www.amlo.go.th/index.php/th/ or call 02-219-3600.

‘Warning the public not to believe the LINE account named AMLO Office and requesting cooperation not to send or share such information on various social media channels. Confirming that the LINE account named ‘AMLO Office’ is a fake LINE account created by criminals using the AMLO logo as the profile picture,’ said Mr. Karam.

Source: Thai News Agency