The Permanent Secretary of the Treasury revealed that the 68th budget must be approved before being submitted to the Council of State.

Government House, Permanent Secretary of Finance reveals that they must wait for the 68th budget to be approved before submitting it to the Council of State to interpret whether the withdrawal of BAAC money can be used for the digital wallet project or not.

Mr. Laworn Sangsanit, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, revealed that regarding the use of the budget from the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives or BAAC in the 10,000 baht digital wallet project, when will the Council of State be able to ask for opinions? That the budget for BAAC is a budget in the draft of the 2025 budget bill, so it is necessary to wait for the 2025 budget to pass first.

As for the Prime Minister’s announcement on July 24, Mr. Laworn believes that it should be clear. Otherwise, he would not have made the announcement.

Source: Thai News Agency